Post your complaint by clicking the word "comments" below.
All arguments against free trade will be posted in this page and debunked in due course.
If you lost your job because of free trade it is because you became less competitive and less valuable in that job, and you have been replaced by someone who does that same job at lower cost (lower wage), which is good for all consumers, i.e., it is good for everyone except you. (But it's good for you that millions of other workers are either replaced or are forced to become more competitive in order not to get replaced. So overall you benefit from the system being made competitive and forcing you to compete in order to get ahead, as long as everyone else is also put under that same pressure to compete. Everyone benefits from all the others having to compete.)
But if you think you're entitled to be preserved in that job, even though a foreigner can do it just as well at 1/10 the cost, post your reason in the "comments" section below. Explain why consumers should have to pay higher prices in order to preserve you in that uncompetitive job.